Orc Assault Demoing @ Austin VR Meetup
Ghost Machine will be demoing the DK2 Alpha release of Orc Assault at Austin's VR Meetup on July 7, 2015 starting @ 7PM at North Door. Get the details and map here:
VR Austin is a vibrant community of VR developers in the Austin area. Austin is a melting pot of quality devs including:
Owlchemy Labs (Alex Schwartz, CEO,)
Unity Austin (Patrick Curry, Director
Virtuix Omni (Robert Brackenridge, Developer)
Ghost Machine (Neal Nellans, CEO)
Unello Design (Aaron Lemke, CEO)
The Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 is the latest development kit for the Oculus Rift with a low-persistence OLED display and low-latency positional head tracking.