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Subtitled Astro's VR Safari, this on site ride experience was created for Salesforces Dreamforce conferenance. Attendees could enter Astros CRM based virtual world and ride along while they learned about the unique business services that the Salesforce platform offers customers.

This exclusive demo was shown at Salesforces Dreamforce Conference. Attendees of the Caonfernce Floor could try the experience throughout the conference events

Salesforce Essentials VR Experience

Used at Dreamforce and the Salesforce Annual Developers conference, this immersive experience applied VR and gamification to drive product awareness. As a result, both prospects and new hires gained unique insight into the Salesforce platform and unique value proposition.

Motion tracked Dual hand controllers allows conference attendees to interactive with an immersive 3D world. The experience concluded with a rider scoreboard that was used daily to award top players with unique branded Salesforce products and services.

Now Available

© Ghost Machine VR Studios

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